📄️ Front matter
Every book has a front matter section. You can get there by clicking the name of a book. It looks something like this like this:
📄️ Characters
The front matter section lets you describe the characters in your book:
📄️ Reference Blocks
Sometimes there's a section of text that I know I need to refer to often. It may be a key moment in my book, description of a character, or some piece of tax I want to revisit and improve. I can put this text in a block, and mark it as a reference.
📄️ Read-only Mode
Are you afraid of accidentally messing up your masterpieces? Just click on the pencil icon and you're in read-only mode.
📄️ Diff Mode
Screenshot of a diff
📄️ Compost Heap
Neil Gaiman says:
📄️ Block types
By default, blocks are in markdown mode. But you can also create plain text blocks or code blocks. To change a block, from the launcher choose "Convert to plain" or "Convert to code". You can also choose a language for syntax highlighting. Try choosing "change language to JavaScript". Syntax highlighting will show up in read mode.
📄️ Versions
🚧 This feature is still under construction and may change 🚧
📄️ Using your own API key
You can use your own openai key if want to have unlimited tokens. Set it in settings: